Thursday, January 14, 2010

New year, New decade :)

Happy 2010 everyone!

I don't know about anyone else, but I love January. I could do without the cold it always seems to bring with it, but other than that I'm a fan. My love of January comes from the fact that it brings us a whole new year. I know we don't need a new year to start over, but somehow it feels like I'm given a clean slate. 2009 was an okay year in retrospect, but I have a feeling that 2010 is going to be that much better.

I usually don't make resolutions, but this year I figured why not? This year I would really like to journal more and make better grades. But also I would like to live more like Christ. So often I get caught up in the ways of the world which is so easy to do. But, as Christians we're called to live a life of being set apart and it's something I want to strive for. I'm not really sure what shape or form that will take but we'll see.

This is short, but I figured maybe this year I can also start blogging more :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAAAY!!!!! yes start blogging more!!! I love to read it!! :D I can't wait to hear about your journaling, it really helps me vent and get things into perspective